If you see Dick Butkus trending on Twitter, don’t be alarmed; the renowned linebacker is still alive and kicking, with the accent on «kicking.»
Butkus, who was named the most feared tackler of all time by the NFL Network, was finally confirmed on Twitter this morning and promptly took a shot at Aaron Rodgers. It’s not the kind of shot Butkus used to take — he’s been accused of biting an offensive opponent’s leg — but it’s great to see him still chasing down quarterbacks as he approaches 80.
Butkus has been on a mission to get verified (#getbuktusverified) since joining Twitter in October, backed by his growing number of followers who realized that, despite the lack of a blue check, he was the real 2x-DPOY tweeting absolute gems like «thank you, everyone, who sends notes saying how your dad loved me don’t need to hear how your grandpa loved me I’m not that old damnit» and, on December 25, «Merry Christmas to my
The 79-year-old Chicago native has nearly 24,000 followers on Twitter and wrote that he was «having a late brunch to celebrate» being verified, adding, «also who picks up the tab on my meals now that I got the blue mark.»
Not to be the one to bring up «Gen Z comedy,» because even I, a member of Generation Z, find that distinction irritating, but Butkus’ Twitter has a Gen Z vibe to it. Maybe we’ve come full circle because he’s so elderly. «Basement dwellers» and «mutts living in your mother’s basements,» he continues to tweet. «Help me become verified or more than your toe will be suffering,» he tweeted at Rodgers last week. It makes you happy to see it.
Butkus, the greatest and most vicious linebacker of all time, played for the Bears from 1965 through 1973. He currently resides in California, but he expressed his dissatisfaction with the pizza selections available (a true Chicagoan). He’s now amusing the audience with even more fantastic tweets, like «fantasy football was what men played after I hit them,» a man who supposedly once struck a metal sled in practice so hard that it crumpled.
Finally, this nugget is what has made him so popular today:
For the previous few months, this account has been Twitter’s best-kept secret, but I have a feeling we’re in for some fantastic content from here on out. Perhaps he has an elderly career in stand-up comedy ahead of him. All we can do is hope.
For the previous few months, this account has been Twitter’s best-kept secret, but I have a feeling we’re in for some fantastic content from here on out. Perhaps he has an elderly career in stand-up comedy ahead of him. All we can do is hope.
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