Rob Kardashian explains why he dismissed Blac Chyna’s lawsuit


Will Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna be able to reconcile their differences? Rob has dropped his assault case against his ex-girlfriend, claiming that he needs to move on for the sake of his daughter, Dream.

On Friday, Rob Kardashian filed a motion to drop his assault case against Blac Chyna (Feb. 18). In September 2017, Rob, 34, filed a lawsuit against Blac, 33, and after nearly five years, the Arthur George socks creator decided it was time to move on, if not for himself, then for his shared daughter, Dream Kardashian, 5.

«My desire to proceed with my allegations against her mother in a public trial far outweighs my love for Dream,» Kardashian claimed in a statement to E! News.

«Now that the court has ruled that there is sufficient evidence to sustain a jury trial on my claim for assault,» Rob said in a statement. «For the benefit of our daughter, I am dismissing the action and focusing on my co-parenting relationship with Chyna.»

Rob’s motion to dismiss his case against Blac without prejudice was granted by a Los Angeles judge. While Rob claimed that he dropped the case to avoid the drama of having to sue his daughter’s mother in front of a judge, Blac Chyna’s legal team disagrees.


«Chyna was finally set to have her day in court at a Feb. 23 jury trial in Los Angeles Superior Court, where she was prepared to prove with evidence that Rob’s claim that she physically abused and assaulted him was a deliberate lie,» according to Lynne Ciani, a lawyer representing Blac Chyna.

«Instead, on the eve of trial, Rob abandoned his lawsuit, not because he felt compelled to do so ‘for the sake of his daughter,’ but because he knew his assault and battery allegations against Chyna were untrue.» In other words, Rob dropped his case to avoid the dire implications of an adverse jury verdict, not his ostensible ‘care’ for his daughter.»


Chyna’s legal team claimed she would «seek relief from the court to ensure that Rob cannot refile his lawsuit and to make him pay for her hefty litigation costs» after Rob withdrew the lawsuit.

Rob has gone into seclusion once more. Rob made his first public appearance in over a year at the beginning of February. The reality star was seen leaving off Dream for a playdate with her cousins Saint West, 6, and True Thompson, 3. While his small kid went off to play, Rob stayed in his SUV.